Sunday, 2 October 2011

About: Deleting Digimon

Hello readers.
Just a small post for now, that a lot of people have been asking about.
How to delete Digimon.
So how do we go about doing this?
Well here's a simple, followable guide for you all:

  1. Have the Digimon you want to delete with you in your Digivice.
  2. Open up the character menu, and go to the Digivice section.
  3. Now, put your mouse over the Digimon you want to delete and Right-Click them.
  4. You should get a few options, and one of them should be delete.
  5. Accept and the Digimon is now deleted!
That's all for now!

About: Attributes and Elements

Hello readers.
In all the Digimon games, there are 3 Attributes in the entire world.
Vaccine (Va), Data (Da) and Virus (Vi).
Normally, the pattern of what is effective against what goes:

  • Vaccine (Va) < Data (Da) < Virus (Vi) < Vaccine (Va)
though in Digimon Masters Online, there are a total of 5 Attributes.
Vaccine (Va), Data (Da), Virus (Vi), Neutral (Nu) and Unidentified (Un).
These last two are special Attributes, as Neutral is ineffective to all Attributes, while Unidentified is effective against all Attributes.
Here's a chart so you can understand it better:

  • Vaccine (Va)  >Virus           (Va)
                         < Data           (Da)
                         - Vaccine       (Va)
                         - Neutral        (Nu)
                         - Unidentified (Un)
  • Data (Da)       >Vaccine       (Va)
                         < Virus          (Vi)
                         - Data            (Da)
                         - Neutral        (Nu)
                         - Unidentified (Un)
  • Virus (Vi)       >Data            (Da)
                         < Vaccine      (Va)
                         - Virus           (Vi)
                         - Neutral        (Nu)
                         - Unidentified (Un)
  • Neutral           - Virus           (Va)
                         - Data            (Da)
                         - Vaccine       (Va)
                         - Neutral        (Nu)
                         - Unidentified (Un)
  • Unidentified    >Virus           (Va)
                         > Data           (Da)
                         > Vaccine       (Va)
                         > Neutral        (Nu)
                         > Unidentified (Un)
And then there are also Elements.
Each Digimon has an Element, such as Dragon, Water or Fire.
There are quite a few Elements in Digimon Masters Online.
And even they have some that are effective against each other
Here's a chart of how they work against each other:
  • Fire < Water < Ice < Fire
  • Wind < Earth < Wood < Wind
  • Iron < Thunder < Darkness < Light < Iron
That's all for now!

About: Skills and Skill Points.

Hello readers.
So, while some of you have been leveling up, you are sometimes gaining Skill Levels.
You gain Skill Levels by raising your Skill experience.
You raise your Skill experience by using Skills in battle.
So, what are skills, and how do I get them?
Well you see, skills are special attacks that require a specific amount of Digimon DigiSoul.
Digimon DigiSoul, works like the tamers DigiSoul, except it's used for skills and not evolution.
And with every stage of evolution, you have your first skill always unlocked.
Though there is also a second skill you can unlock.
And for that skill, you need to get your partner Digimon to certain levels.
Those levels are:
  • Rookie      - Level 6*
  • Champion - Level 16
  • Ultimate    - Level 31
  • Mega        - Level 46**
Though, while you use your skills and gain skill levels, you also obtain skill points.
And each attack can be upgraded, up to 8 times with these skill points.
Upgrading your attacks, increase the damage they deal.
For your first skill, it requires 2 points each time to upgrade, while your second skill requires 3 points.
There are a total of 15 skill levels.
And with that, a total of 27 skill points.
You gain skill points in a specific pattern.
That pattern is:
  • 2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>6.
So that means there are a few ways you can level up your skills:
  1. Level up Skill 1 to max and Skill 2 to 3/8
  2. Level up Skill 2 to max and Skill 1 to 1/8
  3. Just do a variety and balance it out.
Though some Digimon, gain more then 1 skill when they get to their specific level to gain their second skill.
So you'll just have to find out ways to either keep the balance, or just plow all your points into one skill and make it super powerful!
Also, each Digimon has it's own Skill Level and Skill Points, so you'll have to use each one until they get to Skill Level MAX.
And in party's you all get your own Skill Points and it isn't shared.

*Gaomon gets a total of three skills
**Some Mega level Digimon gain their second skill at level 43 and then a thrid at level 46. MetalEtemon though gets a total of 4 skills.

That's all for now!

About: Digivolution

Hello readers.
So, some of the new players may wonder, "At what level do I become Champion/Ultimate/Mega?"
Well this post will clear that all up for you!
So, when you first get your Starter Digimon, it'll be at level 1, and is known as a Rookie level digimon.
To increase that level you need to either complete Quests, or fight other Digimon.
When your partner Digimon gets to level 11, it'll gain the ability to digivolve to the Champion stage.
Though, it costs a specific amount of DigiSoul, to evolve to the Champion stage.
Then, when you go back, to either completing Quests or training, your partner Digimon will arrive at level 25.
And now, it's time to receive, the evolution to the Ultimate stage.
Ultimate, is pretty much just a way stronger version of Champion, except it requires more DigiSoul to evolve into.
And, from Ultimate, we resume our training, and we shall arrive at level  41.
The Mega Stage is now available.
Mega, is the strongest stage out of all the other digivolution for your Digimon.
Though being the strongest doesn't mean it's easier to evolve into.
Actually, it's pretty hard to evolve straight from Rookie to Mega.
Though, should you evolve into Champion, then to Ultimate, the cost for evolving into Ultimate, is halved.
And the same with Mega if you evolve from Ultimate to Mega.
But that's just the basic things you need to know about evolution.
There is also a maintaining cost.
And that is, for Champion, it costs 4 DigiSoul points every 5 seconds to maintain the form.
For Ultimate, 8 DigiSoul points every 5 seconds.
And for Mega, 12 DigiSoul points every 5 seconds.
So you can see, that unless you brought items with you to restore your DigiSoul constantly, you'd need to be at a pretty high level to maintain your Mega stage without recovering your DigiSoul.
Though, for certain Digimon, there is also a stage after Mega.
For your starter Digimon, Agumon (2006), Gaomon, and Lalamon, this is known as a Burst Mode.
And that form, is the strongest out of all your digivolutions.
Even Mega!
You can only get it by Getting your partner Digimon to level 65, and unlocking the Burst Mode quest.
After completing that quest, you obtain your partner Digimon's signature item.
And with that item, and a few Accelerators, and your partner Digimon at level 71, you can obtain the true Burst Mode!
Though it costs 16 DigiSoul points per 5 seconds, so it's even harder to maintain.*
And even some regular Mercenary Digimon have an extra evolution.
Though, they require you to get them to level 71, then buy an item from the ingame CashShop, or from other players that have the item.**
And you just do the same for your other Mercenary Digimon too!
So there you have it.

*Some Digimon like Gallantmon Crimson Mode and Imperialdramon Paladin Mode require 40 DigiSoul per 5 seconds.
**Beelzemon can evolve to Beelzemon Blast Mode at level 65 so long you have to Toy Gun Item (Beelzemon Signature Item)

That's all for now!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

About: How to make Guilds

Hello readers.
So, some of you may wonder, "how do I make a guild in this game?"
Well in this post I'll be filling you in on that!
First of all, you'll need 100M.
Then, you have to go to the DATS Centre and talk to Director Hashima.
You'll see he has two options, 'Create a Guild" and "Shop".
For now, we want to buy an item.
And the only item he has, that we want, is called a 'Guild Permit', and to sum it up at best, it allows us to make a Guild.
So after we buy it we talk again to Director Hashima, but this time we're clicking "Create a Guild".
Enter all your Guild's details and we're done!

That's all for now!

About: Evolutors and Accelerators

Hello readers.
When hatching Digimon, most of the time you'll get a 'champion' or 'ultimate' egg.
What this means is that anything past that level is locked and cannot be used.
However there is an item which unlocks the further forms which is called an "Evolutor" which can be obtained by  trading Digicores or buying from the Cash Shop (Or the currently going OBT event).
Each form takes a specific amount of Evolutors to unlock.

Accelerators however are used for Digimon's forms beyond mega which includes burst modes.
Digimon like Agumon, Gaomon and Lalamon learn their Burst Mode through a quest at level 65, while mercanary Digimon can learn their extra evolutions without a quest at level 65 but will require a 'special' item that can be found normally in the Cash Shop.
Accelerators can be accuired through the Digicore shop as well.
Digimon must be at level 71 to evolve to their extra stage.*
Digimon can only evolve into their extra stage when they are in their Mega form.

*This does not include Imperialdramon Fighter Mode as he is obtained at level 55.

That's all for now!

About: Coloured Boarder Items

Hello readers.
So, some of you are probably wondering why your DigiEgg's have different coloured boarders.
Well this post shall explain that.
You see, your DigiEgg's have a coloured boarder around their image.
There are 3 types of coloured boarders, Plain, Green, and Blue.
Each one is a different rank, Normal, Magic, and Rare.
With DigiEggs, the different Colours have 2 ranks inside them too.
Each rank inside those coloured boarders contains different items.
Here is a list:

Plain//Low Class

  • Contains Minor Consumables like food and healing items in general.
Green/Low Class

  • Contains DATA of the respective type of DigiEgg you hatched it from.
Green/High Class

  • Contains items such as clothing, DataChips, Equipment Boosters, and other rare items.
Blue/High Class

  • Contain either Digicores, DATA Chips, or other very rare items.
That's all for now!

About: Chipsets and Equipment Merging

Hello readers.
In Digimon Masters Online, your character can have clothes equipped to them, for both stat boosters, and to look different.
Clothes can be either brought from clothes shops or scanned from DATA Eggs.
There are also costumes which overrule all clothes and give your character a design that can't be changed even if you change the clothes they are wearing.
Some of the categories of clothes include: Jacket, Gloves, Pants, Shoes, Glasses/Headphones.
There are special items called Chipsets that can drop from fallen enemies which increase the stats of the: Jacket, Pants, Gloves, Shoes and Headgear.
These items come in classes of A, B and C.


  • Rank A - 10-20 HP Boost.
  • Rank B - 30-40 HP Boost
  • Rank C - 50-60 HP Boost

  • Rank A - 5-10   Attack Boost
  • Rank B - 15-20 Attack Boost
  • Rank C - 25-30 Attack Boost

  • Rank A - 5-10   Defence Boost
  • Rank B - 15-20 Defence Boost
  • Rank C - 25-30 Defence Boost

  • Rank A - 1%-2% Speed Boost
  • Rank B - 3%-4% Speed Boost
  • Rank C - 5%-6% Speed Boost

  • Rank A - 10-20 DigiSoul Boost.
  • Rank B - 30-40 DigiSoul Boost
  • Rank C - 50-60 DigiSoul Boost

That's all for now!

About: Currently Obtainable Digimon.

Hello readers.

So some of you may be wondering, "What digimon can I get in the OBT?"
Well, I have made a list of the digimon you can get right now, and their digivolutions!
Starter Digimon

  • Agumon (2006)  > GeoGreymon  > RizeGreymon     > ShineGreymon
  • Gaomon            > Gaogamon     > MachGaogamon > MirageGaogamon
  • Lalamon            > Sunflowmon   > Lilamon              > Rosemon

Mercenary Digimon

  • Drimogemon > Digmon       > Giromon             > HiAndromon
  • Gotsumon     > Icemon       > Meteormon         > MetalEtemon
  • Gabumon      > Garurumon > WereGarurumon > Metal Garurumon
  • Kunemon      > Flymon       > Okuwamon        > GranKuwagamon
  • Elecmon       >  Leomon     > IceLeomon         > SaberLeomon
  • Piyomon       > Birdramon  > Garudamon         > Phoenixmon

More digimon shall get added in later, but for now that's all.

About: Mercenary Digimon and Hatching

Hello readers.
In Digimon Masters Online, the digimon you obtain are known as Mercenary digimon.
Other than your starter digimon, Mercenary digimon can only be obtained by defeating the respective digimon, and it dropping a Mercenary DigiEgg.
Mercenary DigiEggs, unlike DATA DigiEggs, contain digimon.
DATA DigiEggs are a necessary for hatching Mercenary DigiEggs.
DATA DigiEggs, come in classes and need to be scanned by either Miki Kurosaki, some PawnChessmon Black and some PawnChessmon White.
When scanned, the DigiEggs can give you either: food, clothes, DATA or nothing.
You can also trade in DATA DigiEggs and Mercenary DigiEggs for money.
To hatch a Mercenary DigiEgg you need to use the Incubator which can be found in pretty much all Villages.
You need to have DATA that's the same type as that digimon.
Some Mercenary DigiEggs require a DATA input of 1 each time, while others can have up to 5 each time.
When DATA inputting, there is a 50/50 chance of succeeding or failing.
If you fail, the DATA you used is destroyed and there is also a chance of the DigiEgg getting destroyed.
If you succeed, you continue to DATA input.
When DATA inputting, there is a meter that must be filled to at least 3/5 of the gauge, to hatch the digimon.
The difference between the hatching levels are as followed:

  • 1/5 - Cannot be hatched
  • 2/5 - Cannot be hatched
  • 3/5 - Can be hatched with a 70%-100% size 
  • 4/5 - Can be hatched with a 100%-120% size
  • 5/5 - Can be hatched with a 120%-130% size
Going higher than 3/5 of the meter, increases the size of the digimon. Though you have a higher chance of breaking the Mercenary DigiEgg.
If you run out of DATA while you are DATA inputting, you can leave the Mercenary DigiEgg there, and go get more.
Also only one 130% of the digimon can exist on the server at any time.
130% Digimon are also known as 'Legendary' and have the greatest potential amongst all other kinds of that digimon.

That's all for now!

About: Digimon Masters Online

Digimon Masters Online is a Korean game that is currently getting translated and globlised, by co-operating companies, JoyMax and WeMade.
Currently the game is in Open Beta Testing, which will be running from the 27th of September, to the 11th of October.
The Tamers available at the moment for us to choose from are: Marcus Damon, Thomas H. Norstein, and Yoshino Fujieda.
The starter digimon available are: Agumon (2006), Gaomon, and Lalamon.
The partner digimon in the game are known as Mercenary digimon.
That's all for now!


Hello readers.
Welcome to my blog, the Unofficial Help Page, for Digimon Masters Online.
Here I will be posting information on certain things, relating to the JoyMax version of Digimon Masters Online, and will try my best to help those of you who want to know something about the game.
I hope you all find my blog useful!