Sunday, 2 October 2011

About: Skills and Skill Points.

Hello readers.
So, while some of you have been leveling up, you are sometimes gaining Skill Levels.
You gain Skill Levels by raising your Skill experience.
You raise your Skill experience by using Skills in battle.
So, what are skills, and how do I get them?
Well you see, skills are special attacks that require a specific amount of Digimon DigiSoul.
Digimon DigiSoul, works like the tamers DigiSoul, except it's used for skills and not evolution.
And with every stage of evolution, you have your first skill always unlocked.
Though there is also a second skill you can unlock.
And for that skill, you need to get your partner Digimon to certain levels.
Those levels are:
  • Rookie      - Level 6*
  • Champion - Level 16
  • Ultimate    - Level 31
  • Mega        - Level 46**
Though, while you use your skills and gain skill levels, you also obtain skill points.
And each attack can be upgraded, up to 8 times with these skill points.
Upgrading your attacks, increase the damage they deal.
For your first skill, it requires 2 points each time to upgrade, while your second skill requires 3 points.
There are a total of 15 skill levels.
And with that, a total of 27 skill points.
You gain skill points in a specific pattern.
That pattern is:
  • 2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>2>1>6.
So that means there are a few ways you can level up your skills:
  1. Level up Skill 1 to max and Skill 2 to 3/8
  2. Level up Skill 2 to max and Skill 1 to 1/8
  3. Just do a variety and balance it out.
Though some Digimon, gain more then 1 skill when they get to their specific level to gain their second skill.
So you'll just have to find out ways to either keep the balance, or just plow all your points into one skill and make it super powerful!
Also, each Digimon has it's own Skill Level and Skill Points, so you'll have to use each one until they get to Skill Level MAX.
And in party's you all get your own Skill Points and it isn't shared.

*Gaomon gets a total of three skills
**Some Mega level Digimon gain their second skill at level 43 and then a thrid at level 46. MetalEtemon though gets a total of 4 skills.

That's all for now!


  1. Just one observation. MirageGaogamon Second skill (Double Crescent Buster) comes at lvl 43.Is it because it haves a third? (Full moon blaster , for example?)

  2. Thanks Patrick.
    I looked it up and your right MirageGaogamon has a third skill that he gets at level 46.
    I'll be sure to make the adjustments to the post :)

  3. Thanks for the guide, however i have some question..
    1. I want to raise RiseGreymon skill level, do i have to use it in batlle or i can use Agumon instead to increase RiseGreymon skill level?

    2. Do i have to spam F1/F2 to increase it or i can just normal attack the enemy in order to gain skill exp?

    3. In party, all person get exp, but do they get skill exp too?

  4. Thanks for the reply gaiav2.
    1) No you can't use Agumon to get skill points for RizeGreymon.
    Each stage shares it's on Skill Point's and Skill Levels.

    2) You just have to use that Digimon and it's skills whenever you can in battle and then just win to get Skill Point Exp.

    3) In party's everyone gets their own Skill Point Exp.
    It works the same as if you were alone.

    I'll be sure to add this information :)

  5. i have monodramon level 46 but i haven't unlock the mega form yet.. can i still get the second ski of justimon when i unlock mega form?

  6. can you reset skill points if you mess up and click the wrong one?

  7. I have a LadyDevimon, skills:
    F1) 447dmg 3cd
    F2) 863dmg 8cd

    I should max up the F1 right?
